Thursday, March 24, 2016

Levelup tourneys

This note is about how to achieve maximum rewards from levelup tourneys.

Things to be prepared:
1. Unlevelled up rare characters with variety of persona. I think fully upgraded chars is useless. And sell him if you dont use him.
2. You need to have special training ground. You have to upgrade the town hall and a training ground to lv.13.
3. Dont use your regular tokens. Keep them for use during the levelups.
4. Refrain from levelling up before the tourney.

Before the tourney, you might wondering how to store so much food and survivors when there is limited of house capacity and food store capacity. This is the trick: start a special training, requiring 45 survivor and 154k food per 1 person queued. Keep farming and increase the number queued in the special training. The secret is, the queued survivors and food are CAN BE RETRIEVED BACK, of course with a fee that is 45 survivors and 154k food per two days.
But you can store UNLIMITED of survivors and food here.

Several days before the levelups start, transfer the stocks from special trainings to the training ground you desired. The result, you would have queue hundreds of survivors in the uncommon trainings. AS LONG AS THE TRAINING IS NOT FULLY COMPLETED, YOU DONT NEED TO CLAIM THEM AND CAN ADD MORE to the queue and extend the numbers going to be trained. It is to KEEP YOUR ROSTER LEAN.

This is the way to do it. Dont access your on going training grounds by directly tapping it. You tap other training ground, then you tap the next/previous button the lower left/right corner untill you find the on going training ground. You can see the numbers ready to be claimed and numbers being queued. You can add the number to be queued there.

Last time I trained 380 peacekeeper in security training and 180 in leadership training. This persona specific trainings is expensive and the outcome is homogeneous. I was expecting some persona trainers to come up so I can sell them for nice 390 depot points. Next time I will try the regular weapon training or tactical training so I can have more variety of personas.

Focus on completing the 5k and 8k challenge as they give maxed results. They are usually involve levelling rare characters.

For the lower rewarding challenge like
- any citizen character (1k)
- tier two tough character (3k)
I will use one star character, level them up with uncommon characters, or upgrade to tier two to complete the 3k.

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